SOS Malta is participating as co-partner in the 24 months project eMORE – MOnitoring and REporting online hate speech in Europe financed by the European Commission. The project is led by the RiSSC – Research Centre on Security and Crime and SOS Malta joined 11 co-beneficiaries from 9 European Members States and 1 associate partner to test and transfer a knowledge model on online hate speech) and offline hate crime based on a circular and advanced joint monitoring-reporting system.
The aim of this transnational project is to gain a sound understanding of the hate speech phenomena online but also offline and to develop a common model combating against hate speech at European Union and national levels.
Each partner will collect data about its own country in order to create common database and multi-level report tool. The aim is to identify – thanks to research –the main terms and websites used in national and European hate speech in order to produce a preliminary map of the most important online hate speech websites and a glossary of the most used hate-related terminologies.
This preparatory research activity will allow comparative analysis at national/EU level, reinforce cooperation between stakeholders (not only public ones), support the harmonised combating against hate-motivated offences at EU/national level and more understand them.
The APP will be tested and evaluated in the 9 participating target countries through its potential to promote the engagement of victims, to make hate speech more visible and to combat it. E-learning training courses on hate crime addressed to main stakeholders and CSOs will be organised to improve their knowledge on the analysis and monitoring of hate crime. To disseminate this new approach online, representatives of LEAs from all EU Members States will be made aware and trained on their use.
This knowledge enlargement and the definition of minimum standards will allow the development of a crawler detecting hate speech online which will be tested in the 9 participating countries before to be extended in the rest of the EU.
eMORE leaflet
To find the national report click here