Workshop and Networking Events
Each partner organisation was also meant to organise a Workshop and Networking Event aimed at raising awareness on the benefits of Corporate Volunteering among participants and to create networking opportunities between the private and third sectors in order for them to set up Corporate Volunteering Schemes.
As part of SOS Malta's activities within the EPSEV project, SOS Malta ran a two-day Workshop and Networking Event in the month of May 2011. This event was attended by NGOs that work with various community groups as well as businesses that operate within the hotel, telecommunication, real estate, retail and financial sectors.
The objective of this interactive Workshop and Networking event was to introduce the concept of Corporate Volunteering and to discuss how the private and third sectors can set up Corporate Volunteering Schemes. It also gave participants the opportunity to network and discuss possible partnerships.
The Training Pack used in Malta and given to the participants of this event can be found here.
Evaluation and Dissemination of Final Report
The outcome of the Workshop and Networking Events was evaluated and compiled in a report which was distributed to all members of the European Centre for Volunteering (CEV) as well as posted on the EPSEV website which was accessible to the general public. The report included a needs analysis of the third sector, an overview of Corporate Volunteering in each of the participating Member States, an evaluation of the Workshop and Networking Events, lessons learnt on how to set up Corporate Volunteering Schemes and recommendations on further action which could be taken. This report can be read here .
Corporate/Employee Volunteering forms part of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), where a commercial organisation donates employee time and skills within organised and focused schemes. Corporate Volunteering can take place through not-for-profit/non-governmental organisations and can range from individual volunteer effort to team or whole-of-company involvement.
Through Corporate Volunteering Schemes, not-for-profit/non-governmental organisations receive services donated by commercial organisations. Such skills can include manual work, administration, financial services, legal advice, IT services, and public relations, media and communication services. In return, through Corporate Volunteering Schemes, commercial companies can benefit from an enhanced company image and reputation, increased employee satisfaction and motivation as employees are given the opportunity to participate in challenging and varied projects outside their role within the company, as well as the knowledge that their company is contributing positively towards the community. In this way the private sector can join forces with not-for-profit/non-governmental organisations to work towards a common goal.