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Malta donates EUR245,000 for projects in third world countries

Posted Date: 16/06/2011

The Times of Malta - 16 June 2011


The sum of €245,000 was this morning distributed to non-governmental organisations and individuals by Foreign Minister Tonio Borg for the financing of 18 humanitarian projects in third world countries.

Dr Borg applauded the efforts carried of the Maltese to tangibly improve the standard of living of poorer people and said that in the past three years, the ministry helped in the accomplishment of around 25 projects.

He noted that the sum being handed out today was not Malta’s complete overseas development aid for this year.

This would only be known at end year as global amount will include the money Malta spent on immigrants and on other funds, such as a climate change fund  for which €800,000 spread over three years have been dedicated.

The ODA will also include scholarships to people from under-privileged countries, among other things.

Lists of projects and beneficiaries

Aid to Autonomous - €15,000

 ‘Water Project in Pawe (Metekel Zone) Ethiopia’

 This project involves the installation of a sand filter system which is a dosing pump that takes hydrogen peroxide instead of chlorine.  The use of hydrogen peroxide lasts longer than the use of chlorine. The system will be located next to a clinic which provides basic care and treatment for the poor, as the nearest hospital is very far away.  This project will serve as a great incentive for a campaign about drinking water.

 Caritas Malta - €15,000

 ‘Water Supply System Expansion in Cheha and Enemore Woredas in Ethiopia’

 This project proposal involves the expansion of a water supply system so as to provide safe water and promote safe hygiene and sanitation practices in the identified villages. The objective will be met through expanding the gravity water supply system, which is implemented by the EmCS under the financial auspices of Intermon Oxfam. Apart from the expansion of the water system, this project will also include capacity building programmes which ensure the sustainability of the project.

The Ghana Mission Foundation - €15,000

 ‘Equipment for the HIV/AIDS Outpatient department of the HopeXchange Medical Centre in Ghana’

 The project involves the purchasing of equipment for an HIV/AIDS section at the HopeXchange Medical Centre. Treating glaucoma patients was the initial priority however the availability of an HIV/AIDS clinic became more imperative.  

Mission Fund - €15,000

‘Safe Motherhood for All – A Maternity Wing at Makiungu Hospital in Tanzania’

 This project requires the construction of a new maternity wing with underlying storage space. The objectives of this project are to provide better facilities for the expectant mothers, provide better care for mothers at risk and to further decrease the infant morbidity and mortality rate.

Signum Fidei Malta - €15,000

‘Construction of Kindergarten Classrooms and Toilets for Children aged between 3-5 years in Peru’

 The project involves the construction of two classrooms and eight lavatories for children. As the Peruvian authorities do not allow young children to be in the same place with older students it is required that additional quarters will be constructed to accommodate the younger children. Without such a project 75 children will end up without a school.

SOS Malta - €15,000

‘Assisting to eliminate poverty in Njeru and Luwala, Uganda’

This project includes the setting up of rain water harvesting systems and the refurbishment of several classrooms.  SOS Malta has been for a number of years involved in water desalination projects in Njeru.  All the materials and supplies for this project will be bought locally.

Missionary Congregation of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Apparition - €15,000

‘Phase 2 of the St Joseph’s Study Centre, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’

The aim of this project is to construct a study centre for street children and for those who attend the school. The project also includes a lodging quarter which may be used by both students and sick children on their way to Addis Ababa or Sudan for specialised care.

Daughters of the Sacred Heart - €15,000

‘The Setting up of a Youth Formation Centre in Diwa (Diocese of Balanga) in the Bataan Province, Philippines’

The proposed project intends the construction of a Youth Formation Centre with dormitories, a conference hall, study rooms and other facilities.  Part of the allocation of this funding will be utilised for the building of a borehole at this Centre.

Sisters of Charity of St Jeanne Antide Thouret - €14,740

‘Initiating socio-economic development especially among women in rural South Sudan’

The project proposed training that aims at engaging the untrained and uneducated women in local development processes which they will initiate and own. Amongst other initiatives, small enterprises and a development association will be created to provide training that will lead to more people benefiting from the project.

Centru Animazzjoni Missjunarja - €15,000

‘Construction of houses in Peru’

The proposed project involves the construction of 30 houses to shelter and accommodate homeless families in Arequipa.  

Missionary Movement Jesus in Thy Neighbour - €15,000

‘Hope for the Horn: Home for the Homeless Lepers in Ethiopia’

This project is for the construction of a Home for the homeless lepers. This project will provide 70 families with shelter and accommodation.  This project will also include basic education, healthcare and a meal per day for 234 children.  

KOPIN - €10,000

‘HIV/AIDS Care and Support for the people of Ijaji in Ethiopia’

The project aims to provide health services to persons living with HIV/AIDS, orphans and vulnerable children; to intensify and enhance the community-based care and support services as well as protective practices for vulnerable children and their families. This centre will strengthen the network, collaborations and referral systems for HIV / AIDS affected persons; give psychological and social support to HIV / AIDS affected persons, lessening their spiritual, psychological, social, and economic burden; and to reduce the stigma, discrimination and denial faced by HIV/AIDS victims by raising the public’s awareness about HIV/AIDS related matters. This project will be of direct benefit to 50 households of persons living with HIV / AIDS and 100 households of HIV / AIDS.

Inizjamed - €10,000

‘Providing Sustainability for Children and Youths in Kenya’

The proposed project is to contribute to the eradication of severe poverty in Kenya with the main objective of providing support to a slum educational institution and a community centre in Nairobi, Kenya. This is with the aim of creating a sustainable environment for education and conflict prevention/ resolution and community support measures.

Fr Nicholas Schembri Farrugia - €15,000

‘Centre for the Formation and Training of Youth and Women & Residence Restructuring Phase 2, Peru’

The proposed project is divided in two parts: Phase 2 of a Residence building, and the construction of a computer class and two blocks of toilets. The residence part involves the building of toilets and a meeting hall. For both parts, existing structures will be reinforced so as to make it safer in the case of earthquakes. The project proposed aims at transforming the area into a hub of activity which promotes development in all aspects.

Padre Albert Gauci O.F.M - €15,000

‘Sports Complex in Juticalpa, Olancho, Honduras’

Fr Gauci submitted a proposal for a sports complex in Juticalpa, Olancho, Honduras. This complex is to be used by youths in their free time with the aim of keeping them away from drugs.

Fr Anton Grech, Izabal, Guatemala - €15,000

‘Continuation of a Fish Farm project in Guatemala’

This present proposal is a continuation of the work being done on the Fish Farm in Izabal. The next phase of the project is to organise seminars and hands on training sessions to the local fishermen and local authorities as to how to increase food production from the many water bodies that abound in the Izabal diocese. These training courses also aim at increasing technical expertise in the fish farming trade. There is also the intention to form links with the regional university where students will be able to receive practical training on the farm. Maltese experts will travel to Guatemala for a month each to teach the locals and there will also be field trips within Guatemala for the local fishermen to show them the farm operating at San Manuel Chaparron and other farms operating on the Pacific coast.

Fr Joseph Cremona mssp - €15,000

‘Residence for use by the Aetas Community, the Philippines’

The Aetas community live in the mountains and their only possibility of education is that at basic elementary level. This is because colleges and universities are far away and there is no possible means of good transport which they can use. The project proposed involves the construction of a residence in the parish premises which Aetas can reside in from Monday to Friday in order to be able to pursue their university studies. This residence will have enough space to host 12 persons.

Fr Gerard Bonello mssp - €15,935

New Block Furnishings – Joseph De Piro Middle School for Girls, Lahore, Pakistan’

A proposal submitted by Fr Bonello for the funding of furnishings for a new block in Joseph De Piro Middle School for girls in Asif Town 2, Juhannabad, Lahore, Pakistan. The construction of the block was co-funded by the Ministry’s 2010 ODA projects call through CAM Youths. The immediate beneficiaries of this new grant will be girls aged 14 and 15, older girls whose education was disrupted because of home necessities, and toddlers and very young children which the older girls will bring with them.



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