Reinventing Mainstream Classrooms
The current project will bring together native language students, migrant students and mainstream (language) teachers to collaboratively engage in common cross-cultural, language learning and teaching tasks using new and emergent technologies and digital tools. The main purpose of this objective is to create learning and teaching material on the basis of thematic topics found in textbooks of the corresponding countries to form a mainstream classroom that will provide fair learning opportunities to all students, and at the same time create a class and eventually a school, where students, and teachers are able to understand, respect and accept everyone regardless of any form of diversity.
Throughout this project the aim is to tackle the challenges and difficulties (language) mainstream teachers face trying to address students’ diversified needs and interests.
1. Developing and implementing online interactive material based on the teaching and learning needs of both mainstream language teachers and migrant students using the MILAGE learn platform and app. This will be reached with the following results: design, development, uploading and piloting of 1400 SL learning tasks in 4 different languages for 8–12-year-old students from A1 to B1 language proficiency levels, on the project’s platform and app (WP2,3&4).
2. Train mainstream language teachers in teaching SL in mainstream classrooms using the project’s app and platform. This will be reached with the results of designing, developing, piloting, and uploading training material for teaching and learning a SL in mainstream classrooms using technology and digital tools found on the app and platform, organized in 8 different events for mainstream language teachers (WP2,3&4).
3. Developing and implementing cross-cultural material, and eventually implementing cross-cultural and social literacy tools across the curriculum by using the platform and app. This will be reached with the results of designing, developing, piloting, and launching of 400 cross-cultural learning tasks in 4 languages for 8–12-year-old students from A1 to B1 language proficiency levels on the app and platform (WP2,3&4).
4. Training mainstream primary teachers using the dynamic project’s online platform in mainstream primary classrooms. This will be achieved through the results of designing, developing, piloting, and launching of training material for cross-cultural education using digital tools found on the app and platform, organized in 4 different events for mainstream teachers (WP2,3&4).