SOS Malta has promoted volunteering from the moment of its inception. The philosophy behind the organization has always been one of volunteerism. The philosophy was initially applied to the organisation’s work linked to overseas development, emergency relief and livelihood programmes.
In more recent years, SOS Malta enhanced the promotion of volunteering even locally. SOS Malta believes that volunteers should be a key element in the implementation to all social programmes. The rich mix of skills which volunteers bring with them enlarges the scope of social programmes, but most importantly enlarges and reinforces the dimension of community support.
SOS Malta also believes that volunteers add diversity to any organization, impact on social isolation, increase efficiency and increase enjoyment for paid staff. Currently, SOS Malta runs a national volunteering project linked to health (VolServ) as well as research projects linked to the volunteering landscape in Europe (Volunteering across Europe). It also coordinates a national award for Volunteering (SOS Malta Award for Volunteering), which SOS Malta intends to make an annual event.
SOS Malta shares the first issue of 'The Server' with you all. Thank You VolServ newsletter team for making this happen. Click the front page of the newsletter to download!