MEDIP International Conference - "Communicating Poverty"
The International MEDIP Conference entitled “Communicating Poverty” took place at the Excelsior Hotel, Valletta, on 10th April 2010. The conference was opened by Director Mr. Bouratsis (EuropeAid – Directorate of Thematic Operations). Key speakers at the event included Ms Claudia Taylor-East (Managing Director of SOS Malta), Ms Teresa Hanley (Joseph Rowntree Foundation) and Dr Carmen Sammut (University of Malta). Two of the six documentaries produced for the MEDIP project, “Crying out for Development” and “Being a Woman in Uganda”, were screened. Each documentary was followed by a panel discussion.
The first panel discussion was chaired by Dr. Zoltán Pogátsa (University of Western Hungary). Participants on the panel were Ms Margherita Amodeo, Mr Damian Iriele (University of Malta), Mr Justin Camilleri (Times of Malta), Ms Hedwig Bvumburah (SOS Malta), Mr Christos Xenophontos (European Institute of Cyprus), Ms Tereza Novak (Slovene Philanthropy), Mr Balzás Frida (Anthropolis Association - Hungary) and Mr Adrian Lungu (EurActiv Romania).
The second panel discussion was chaired by Dr Carmen Sammut (University of Malta). Participants on the panel included Ms Teresa Hanley (Joseph Rowntree Foundation), Sister Hilda Bamwine (Religious of the Sacred Heart), Ms Iva Grobin (Studio 12 – Slovenia), Mr Darrin Zammit Lupi (Times of Malta), Mr Constandinos Tsindas (Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation), Mr Paul Senosi (Jaan Tonisson Institute), Mr Balázs Lerner (DemNet – Hungary) and Ms Iuliana Rada (Civil Society Development Foundation – Romania).
The objective of the conference was to engage in debates related to the role the media plays in communicating about the Millennium Development Goals and development issues.
Programme of Event