MEDIP Presentation at the External Cooperation Info Point in Brussels


On the 25th November 2009 at 13h00, the six participating organisations presented the MEDIP project to European Commission officials and non-state actor representatives at the EuropeAid External Cooperation Info Point on Rue de la Loi in Brussels.


The presentation was organised by SOS Malta in collaboration with EuropeAid. Key speakers at the event included Ms Stefania Pantazi (DG External Cooperation), Ms Elena Peresso (Cabinet Karel de Gucht), Ms Claudia Taylor-East and Ms Monique Falzon (SOS Malta), Ms Tereza Novak (Slovene Philanthropy) and Mr Balazs Frida (DemNet).


This event served the purpose of outlining the main objectives and achievements of this initiative, in addition to highlighting past, ongoing and future activities of the project.